Sunday 29 July 2012


A need for a trip to Asda for a pint of milk saw me make a quick diversion to Huyton Lane Wetland Park yesterday for a butterfly count.

It's not a particularly large park but it is absolutely packed to the seams with all kinds of wildflowers and the recent fine weather has brought them out, looks terrific... The park has several pools, however despite the rain some are drying out already.

For the butterflies I noted Large and small white, Meadow brown, Gatekeeper, Comma, Speckled wood and Skipper. Quite a few Peacock caterpillars were devouring the nettles. Broad bodied chasers and common darter dragonflies, common blue damselflies were also swooping over the pools. Predominant birds were Goldies

Which led to:

Another thumbs up

Huyton Lane wetland park is a local patch of mine, and I have also seen the butterflies and dragon/damselflies you've seen as well as emperor, emerald, large white, small tortoiseshell. I've recorded 40 species of bird this year, 85 wildflowers, 23 insects, 4 mammals, 9 butterfly/moth, 4 mosses, in total about 180 species of wildlife - but whose counting. I've been keeping I eye on the park for a while now and recently it has had quite a bit of work done on it and being honest, as you say it not big but I think it’s an absolute gem and teeming with warblers at the beginning of spring. The park is at the moment the best I've seen it and I'm glad someone shares my point of view and not just the dog walkers, I liked your email and brought a smile to my face thinking I am not the only one who thinks this about the park.


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