Monday 11 August 2014


Hi, I’m Bob.
I may just be one small red squirrel, but I have big ambitions. I want my young,
and yours, to inherit a world where they can thrive.
I’m challenging all politicians to take care of the wildlife and natural places we all enjoy.
I’m not asking you to become a treehugger – that’s my job. But in the run-up to the
UK General Election, while our politicians are busy creating manifestos full of ideas
they believe will win them votes, now’s the time to get nature on their agenda.
It’s time to buzz around the politicians’ ears, fill their inboxes and invade their newsfeeds
with our message.
It’s time to tell them to stop counting the cost of saving nature and start seeing
how much it’s worth.
It’s time to say remember, nature’s your home too.
Tell your politicians you care about nature.
Vote for me now by adding your name to my petition at

Red Squirrel, Formby Reserve


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