Tuesday 14 September 2010


The Liverpool Bay is famous in September for the chance to see a Leech's Strom Petrel as they move south for the winter. The only problem is you need westerly winds and North Westerly are better. So today while working my lunch at 4pm I was watching the sea at Ainsdale. Look at the black blob in the middle of the picture.

Razorbills and guilliemots were fighting their way through the wind to stay out at sea.

Gannets and manx shearwaters were also having a good time in the blow.

Little black dots arent the best way to look at these fab little birds and later this bird came in close to shore and tried to feed on the beach but the crow thought he was having a flying lunch!

This is a better picture of a leechs.

Hope you get out and see one. The best places are Hall Road, Crosby, Crosby Coastal Park or New Brighton in the bus stops as the birds come out of the Mersey river mouth.


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